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About Meaghan

Hey y’all!  I’m Meaghan…

A 30 something teacher-at-heart
Typical first-born, type-A perfectionist
List-maker, organizer, and planner
Witty, stubborn, and I swear {a lot}

I am super pumped to have you here!




The kitchen is my jam.  My happy place.  My soft spot to land.  I’ve always loved to bake.  And once I ventured out on my own and realized a girl cannot live on cupcakes alone I was a little crushed.  When I’ve had a bad day or am feeling particularly stressed you’ll find me in the kitchen.  I love tweaking new recipes I find on Pinterest or in magazines, putting love into old family favorites, and developing new creations.  You’ll find a few savory recipes here and there (like these super popular basic biscuits) but baked goods have my heart.


I’m an avid knitter and cross stitcher but absolutely terrified of my sewing machine.  Whenever my sewing machine and I get together for a project it usually ends in tears.  So believe me when I say that if I can do a craft that I’m sharing with you then you can, too!  You won’t see a TON but when you do rest assured they’re going to be snap bang easy.


And most important of all love. I believe in being my true self and allowing others space to do the same. So if a good joke, a long post about the adorable shit my cats do, basketball season, football games, or a well-placed fuck is going to put you off, it probably bests that you turn around now and find a different place for your cupcake recipes.


If you’ll stick with me a second this is kind of a medium-ish story.  This isn’t my first blog.  My first iteration of a blog was in 2010 over on Blogspot where I thought I was going to blog about my journey through weight loss. But it turns out that you really have to put all your shit out there to blog about weight loss AND you have to carry a rather thick skin. So that one didn’t last long. But some of my recipes are actually from that original site like these cream cheese danish.

Then I got REALLY into extreme couponing in 2014 after losing my job and diyfaerie was born. I worked on that one for about 6 months until I realized…why in the actual hell did I spell fairy like that and after about 2 DIY projects it was clear to me that I’d rather gouge my eyes out with rusty spoons than do another DIY project.

But I did know that I wasn’t ready to give up on blogging because I felt that I was slowly losing myself and needed to find something that let me be me.  Can I get an amen?

I read this amazeballs book, Building a Framework, from Abby at Just a Girl and Her Blog that really convinced me that I could start a blog! But it’s all in the name. Well damn. After my hot mess of a diyfaeire incarnation I struggled trying to find exactly what I wanted to blog about.

Then I realized I should stop fighting it. I love food. Cooking it, eating it, sharing it. And I wanted a name that really fit what my passion and my blog are all about. So Cook. Craft. Love. was born. And here we are, years later, and still beyond in love with this corner of the internet that is mine.

I’ve learned SO much since that first blog and little did I know this foray into the online world would, quite literally, become my life. Because it pushed me to pursue an online business that has grown by leaps and bounds over these last few years. And I love every fucking second of it.

I’m so excited to have you here reading what I’ve got to say!  My blogging journey is settling into that comfortable place in a relationship where the newness has faded a bit and you’re realizing it’s work. But also that it’s work worth doing.

I hope you can find inspiration and yummy things in these pages and that sharing in my love of cooking and baking with me brings a smile to your face like it does mine.


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This means that if you click a link on my site and make a purchase that I might receive a small commission on your purchase, at no extra charge to you. And I really appreciate that. You’re helping keep the lights on around here!

Feel like you don’t know enough about me yet?  Click here to read 25 more interesting facts about the woman behind the blog!


Susan Moody

Friday 22nd of March 2024

Love your recipe for the basic biscuits. I try some recipes out and the outcome is sometimes not pretty. I think I can do this one. Will let you know. Thanks :-)