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Appreciate Your Teachers {free printable!}

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Teachers do a lot of work and deserve some appreciation!  Celebrate them with this simple, easy, and affordable teacher appreciation gift!

Teacher Appreciation Week is next week and our teacher's work so hard they deserve a little appreciation for all they do!  Do you have a teacher in your life who needs some lovin' and pampering?  Give her a manicure in a jar!  Then she'll have pretty nails while grading all those papers!

The earliest I can remember telling people I wanted to be a teacher was first grade.  When some kids proudly announced they wanted to be a movie star or princess I always wanted to be a teacher.  Even into middle and high school that was my standard answer when someone asked me what I wanted to do after graduation.  I picked colleges based solely on that major.  I built my entire resume leading up to and through college around one day being an educator.

I graduated from college in May 0f 2009 and took a job teaching Head Start in south central Virginia.  I had the first year class of sweet 3 and 4 year old babies who had never been to school before.  It was a little out of my comfort zone since I’d discovered during student teaching how much I really loved teaching the older kids.  I learned so much in that first year.  I taught for 3 1/2 years before moving on to being a nanny.  Then moved on again to substitute teaching.  And it seems each job I took to technically stay on the path to ultimately become a public school teacher was only taking me farther away from it.  Until one day, I didn’t want to do it at all.

Teacher Appreciation Week is next week and our teacher's work so hard they deserve a little appreciation for all they do!  Do you have a teacher in your life who needs some lovin' and pampering?  Give her a manicure in a jar!  Then she'll have pretty nails while grading all those papers!

It’s weird to me how that is not my dream anymore and it took me awhile to be ok with suddenly not wanting to do something I’d worked my entire life for.  To be ok with finding a new dream and loving it way more than I ever loved teaching.  That journey to realization also helped me to realize something else.  How much I truly appreciate all the teachers out there!  They’re awesome!  And I could never say it enough!  

All the paperwork and the faculty meetings and the parent conferences and the late nights and weekend work.  But that’s only half of it.  {Maybe a smidge more than half 😉 } The other half is the dedication to their students, the passion that makes them get to school at 7 am and not leave until 5 or 6, and the desire to make each and every child feel like they’re the only one in the room.

Teacher Appreciation Week is next week and our teacher's work so hard they deserve a little appreciation for all they do!  Do you have a teacher in your life who needs some lovin' and pampering?  Give her a manicure in a jar!  Then she'll have pretty nails while grading all those papers!

And for that they deserve some lovin’!  {Sorry to all the male teachers out there on this one.  Unless, of course, you like to wear nail polish.  And then great!}  It’s absolutely no secret that Jamberry nail wraps are my new favorite obsession.  So much so that I started selling them.  {I think there might be a post on this soon!}  So I love nails.  I have lots of friends who love nails.  And who doesn’t love to get pampered?  So I’m givin’ all my awesomesauce teacher friends a manicure in a jar!  Plus there’s this kind of adorable printable that I created to go with it.  Who doesn’t love punny sayings?  AmIright??

These are super easy and fun to put together.  A sheet of wraps or lacquer {Jamberry nail lacquers are seriously the  And I’m not just saying that because I sell them, either!}, a buffer block, nail file, nail clippers, and some lotion and you’re good to go!  Finish it off with a pretty ribbon or bright tissue paper and this toe-tally awesome {see what I did there?} printable and you’re good to get appreciating!

Teacher Appreciation Week is next week and our teacher's work so hard they deserve a little appreciation for all they do!  Do you have a teacher in your life who needs some lovin' and pampering?  Give her a manicure in a jar!  Then she'll have pretty nails while grading all those papers!

Pamper those teachers, y’all.  They deserve it.  What’s your favorite way to pamper a teacher in your child’s life?


Sarah M

Wednesday 29th of April 2015

Such a clever and unique gift idea! This would be perfect for any woman!


Wednesday 29th of April 2015

Absolutely! This gift would work for mother's day, birthdays, party favors, lots of different great ideas!


Amber J. Kneibel

Wednesday 29th of April 2015

This is such a cute little gift! Perfect for a hardworking teacher!


Wednesday 29th of April 2015

Thanks so much Amber! I think any teacher would love to get pampered like this. A girl can only have so many mugs and stuffed animals :P


Laura Sue Shaw

Wednesday 29th of April 2015

That's adorable! All the teachers I know would love it, they could always use a little pampering.


Wednesday 29th of April 2015

Absolutely! This gift would be pretty awesome for just about any time of the year for anybody, too! :)



Wednesday 29th of April 2015

Definitely not an easy job. I subbed on and off for 16 years. When you're done, you're done!


Wednesday 29th of April 2015

It's a hard job but I'm glad there are so many people out there willing to do it! And who love it, too!



Wednesday 29th of April 2015

I have much appreciation for teachers. I always try to give them useful/thoughtful holiday & end of the year gifts.


Wednesday 29th of April 2015

We sure do appreciate being recognized for all our hard work, Stephanie! Thanks for stopping by :)
