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A Tale of Two Nerds: Dr. Who Themed Bridal Shower

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Dr. Who is a phenomenon in our house so of course when my best friend got married I had to throw her a Dr. Who themed bridal shower!

Dr. Who is a phenomenon in our house so of course when my best friend got married I had to throw her a Dr. Who themed bridal shower!

If y’all don’t mind I’m going to take a few minutes to get a little mushy over here.  It’s not very often that you meet a friend who just totally speaks to your heart without even trying.  I don’t have very many friends like this in my life who know everything about me and still love me.  So when I found Nicole who, at this point, literally knows every little tiny fun, funky, quirky, crazy thing about me and still wants to be my friend I was kinda…blown away.

I was even more blown away when she invited me to come live with her {even though we’d never met in person before} and that she meant it.  So I packed up my stuff and drove across five states and landed on her front door.  Or 40 minutes away from her front door when my car broke down on the M-6.  It’s only been 4 months but I seriously feel like we’ve known each other for years.  Plus she takes me back to my college days where I’d spend all night talking with my sophomore roommates about everything.  She makes my heart happy and I’m so lucky to have met her!  {P.S…Aunt S if you’re reading this don’t hold the whole I-told-you-Nicole-and-I-knew-each-other-in-real-life thing against me.  I didn’t want you to worry. <3}

Dr. Who is a phenomenon in our house so of course when my best friend got married I had to throw her a Dr. Who themed bridal shower!

So now that I’m not an episode of Criminal Minds, I can definitely look back and say that this has been the best decision of my life.  And I’ve never been happier.  Or felt more like my true self.  So since my new sister-in-crime is getting married in just a few short weeks I really wanted to throw her a bridal shower as a thank you for allowing me to carve out a space for myself in her basement and her life.  I feed her brownies, too.  I don’t think she minds.

Since she’s a little Dr. Who obsessed I knew I had to jump in with both feet and go for it.  I got some of our bloggy friends in on it and did a LOT of searching for Dr. Who ideas.  I don’t get it but she thought all the elements were super darling so I call it a win!  The whole thing comes together really easily without a lot of moving parts so you’ll love it how simple but fun it is!

Dr. Who is a phenomenon in our house so of course when my best friend got married I had to throw her a Dr. Who themed bridal shower!

Dr. Who is a phenomenon in our house so of course when my best friend got married I had to throw her a Dr. Who themed bridal shower!

I bow to Mary from Goodie Godmother and her amazeballs cookie decorating talent.  She made these precious Tardis cookies and uh…shield thingies.  Gallifrean?  Someone correct me if I’m wrong.

Dr. Who is a phenomenon in our house so of course when my best friend got married I had to throw her a Dr. Who themed bridal shower!

Now I do know what a sonic screwdriver is so these were definitely fun to make with long pretzel rods and white and blue candy melts.  If you follow me on Instagram then you saw my disastrous attempt at melting white chocolate.  Seriously, if a white chocolate fairy wants to tell me how to master this frustratingly delicious confection I’m available any time.

Dr. Who is a phenomenon in our house so of course when my best friend got married I had to throw her a Dr. Who themed bridal shower!

These cupcakes were the besssssssst.  Chocolate cupcakes + marshmallow frosting so blue it’ll take your lips and teeth a few hours to recover + marshmallow adipose babies = the darlingest of darling Dr. Who goodies.  If you want to be all fancy then use mini marshmallows for the arms and legs of the babies.  I used a knife to cut up the square s’more marshmallows because then the sticky of the inside of a marshmallow helped them stick to the body which meant I didn’t have to mess with toothpicks.

Dr. Who is a phenomenon in our house so of course when my best friend got married I had to throw her a Dr. Who themed bridal shower!

The sweet tissue paper flowers were Erin’s idea from No Bohn’s About It and the banner was sent to me by the wonderful Tara from An Aiming High Wife.  She took pity on me because I’m not the most patient seamstress.  Thanks, girl!

Dr. Who is a phenomenon in our house so of course when my best friend got married I had to throw her a Dr. Who themed bridal shower!

I forced sweetly asked Nicole to create something for her own bridal shower.  Luckily she was keen to play around with her newly downloaded Photoshop.  She’s got that sweet printable for you over on LBTH!

Dr. Who is a phenomenon in our house so of course when my best friend got married I had to throw her a Dr. Who themed bridal shower!

So if you’re going for sweet, simple, and Dr. Who then this might just be the perfect bridal shower or party idea for you!  Plus you can download those sweet Tardis signs to label your goodies or as place cards for a sit down affair right here.  Keep an eye on the blog for a recipe for that perfectly light and delicious marshmallow frosting.  And don’t forget to check out the links below for details on the other great elements to this fun Dr. Who themed bridal shower!


Dr. Who is a phenomenon in our house so of course when my best friend got married I had to throw her a Dr. Who themed bridal shower!

Dr. Who Wedding Cookies, Goodie Godmother

Something Blue Tardis Martini, Little Blog on the Homestead

Bridal Shower Garland, An Aiming High Wife

Easy Bridal Shower Decorations,  No Bohn’s About It

Dr. Who Themed Bridal Shower, Cook. Craft. Love.


Tuesday 18th of August 2015

What a party! Not gonna lie my eyes gravitated right to those cupcakes and stayed there. But really the whole party looks fabulous!


Tuesday 18th of August 2015

You're so sweet! The flowers were darling and fit perfectly. Thanks for the tutorial, love!
