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Grasshopper Pie Parfaits

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Grasshopper pie is a classic southern dessert and I gave it a makeover by turning it into a delicious, creamy, minty parfait!

Grasshopper pie is a classic southern dessert and I gave it a makeover by turning it into a delicious, creamy, minty parfait!

At the beginning of April Nicole came home from work RAVING about this grasshopper pie that a coworker had brought in for a pot luck. She doesn’t rave about other people’s food all that often so when she does I sit up, take notice, and immediately start developing a recipe in my head.

Grasshopper pie is a quasi common dessert in the south but just like fried chicken and apple pie everyone has a recipe. Some use pudding, some use whipped cream, some used sweetened condensed milk, and LOTS of them have alcohol for that cool minty pop of flavor. I skipped most of those and made this up the way my grandma used to. And then I threw my grandma’s recipe out the window and made these into parfaits instead of a pie. Trifle if you’re feelin’ fancy 😉

Grasshopper pie is a classic southern dessert and I gave it a makeover by turning it into a delicious, creamy, minty parfait!

I used mint extract to flavor this with mint and a bit of green food coloring to LIGHTLY color it green {so light you can barely tell} instead of creme de menthe, but if you’re feeling all grown ups only on this parfait then go for it! If you want to serve this to kiddos you’ll have to either leave out the alcohol or look up a classic grasshopper pie which cooks marshmallows down rather than using fluff and the alcohol is cooked out in the process.

And in case you’re thinking about using the traditional grasshopper cookies STOP and think about this instead. Mint Oreo Thins. Yeah. When a blogger friend told me they tasted like my favorite cookie on the planet: Thin Mints I was skeptical and then I blew her off and totally forgot about them. Until I wanted to make this parfait. And let me tell you they are seriously as good as thin mints. Better even. I know, I know. I said it! It’s out there now. But just as good at Thin Mints, available all year round, and perfect for this! Pick up a package and try to restrain yourself until you can make these 😉

Grasshopper pie is a classic southern dessert and I gave it a makeover by turning it into a delicious, creamy, minty parfait!


Grasshopper pie is a classic southern dessert and I gave it a makeover by turning it into a delicious, creamy, minty parfait!

Grasshopper Pie Parfaits

Yield: 4 -5 servings
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Total Time: 15 minutes


  • 1 package Mint Oreo Thins
  • 8 oz cream cheese, room temperature
  • 1/2 cup marshmallow fluff
  • 1/2 cup heavy whipping cream
  • Mint extract to taste
  • Green gel food coloring


  1. In the bowl of a stand mixer beat cream cheese until smooth and no lumps remain. Add marshmallow fluff and mix until combined.
  2. In a separate bowl beat heavy whipping cream on medium-high speed until soft peaks form.
  3. Add green food color and mint extract to taste.
  4. Fold in whipped cream in two batches until homogeneous.
  5. To serve crush Oreo Thins into medium chunks and layer about 1 Tbs in the bottom of 4 8 oz jars or glasses, add 3-4 Tbs of grasshopper pie, more Oreo Thins, and 3-4 more Tbs of grasshopper pie filling. Top with whipped cream and a whole Mint Oreo Thin if desired.

Grasshopper pie is a classic southern dessert and I gave it a makeover by turning it into a delicious, creamy, minty parfait!


Nicole @Little Blog on the Homestead

Sunday 12th of June 2016

Girl this was seriously delicious, feel free to make more any time you want! I love the hint of mint and I won't even apologizing for eating like 3 of them


Wednesday 15th of June 2016

Haha I'm pretty sure I ate about 3 of them, too ;) I see a lot of no bake desserts in our hot summer future!
