Homemade dog treats are a great way to spoil your pet with a yummy homemade treat that’s cheaper and healthier than store bought biscuits.
Our older dog has been having some tooth pain lately and is having trouble chewing those hard store bought dog biscuits so I wanted to make him something he would be able to chew and enjoy. I used the recipe I got from my friend Sydney at Tastefully Frugal but used ham bouillon instead of chicken because it’s what we had on hand and added some cheese because, who doesn’t like cheese? The answer is no one. These homemade dog treats turned out perfectly soft and were eaten up in seconds instead of being carried around and gnawed on for hours like those super hard store bought ones.
He got to eat more than his fair share while he sat patiently waiting for me to take pictures. Sydney used a dog bone shape for hers but since we have a smaller dog and I plan on making some more of these for my cousin’s dog I figured festive Christmas trees were in order. And they just turned out so stinkin’ cute! If Charlie the Bichon is a fan I’m sure your dog will be, too!
I tried to give some of these to the cat but he just gave me the stink eye and went back to his nap. He might get curious enough to try one tomorrow. Maybe.
Have you ever tried homemade dog treats?

Homemade Dog Treats
- 2 cups flour
- 1 egg
- 1 tsp ham bouillon
- 3/4 cup hot water
- Pinch of salt
- 1/4 cup shredded cheese
- Preheat oven to 375 degrees
- Combine bouillon, salt, and hot water and stir to dissolve.
- Stir in egg and flour and mix until no longer sticky
- If making these for a small dog roll to about 1/4 inch thickness, if these are for a larger dog roll them to about 1/2 an inch and cut with your desired cookie cutter
- Place cookies on a lightly greased cookie sheet and bake for 15 to 18 minutes for the smaller biscuits and 20 to 25 minutes for the larger ones
- Let cool and store in an airtight container to keep them from getting too hard