Luci Bag’s are a great way to advertise your business but are also pricey! Here is my super simple DIY knock off Luci Bag tutorial!
Last month a fellow Jamberry consultant introduced me to the wonderful world of Luci bags. These bags are a great way to advertise whatever business you’re in with their clear vinyl pockets and sturdy shape and I wanted one real bad. Then I saw the price tag. $70 for a small handbag?? I don’t even shell out that much cash on my favorite Vera Bradley bags! Thank the good Lord for eBay on that one! So, immediately I wanted to make one.
If you’ve followed this blog for any length of time or, you know, read my about me page then you know the relationship I have with my sewing machine. But I was determined to give it a go. I spent a good several weeks looking for the right bag {and if I’m being honest I still haven’t found the exact right one} and settled on this one from Walmart. The supplies from Joann’s Fabric were pretty cheap and so I made the entire bag for less than $20.
It was a LOT easier than I expected it would be and went off without a hitch. Something that almost never happens when my sewing machine and I get together! I’ve been carrying the bag for about a month now and I’m going to share not just how I made it but what I’ll be doing differently when I make it again in the future with a different bag. I used a pre-made, store bought bag. If you’re super duper crafty and can make your own bag then by all means start there but if you’re like me and have a 1 hour sewing machine limit before the tears and gnashing of teeth begin then find a good bag in the store and go from there.
The bag I purchased is completely shapeless which makes it a great bag for tossing your pool or beach stuff into it or if you’re really just into that kind of thing. This is the perfect bag for this project because the bag is easy to manipulate in order to sew the vinyl panel on, but I highly recommend putting a piece of sturdy foam core board either inside the bag itself or in the clear vinyl panel to help the pocket to hold it’s shape.
Keep in mind that you’ll be sewing through the lining of the bag so don’t buy one with pockets all around that will be sewed shut {aka useless} after you attach the vinyl. If you sell 3-D products like makeup, jewelry, essential oils, or something similar you might want to consider adding a velcro or snap closer to keep your stuff from flying out. Ready to make a knock off Luci Bag?? Here we go!
- 1/4 yard of 12 gauge vinyl
- 1″ fabric ribbon (something sturdy that won’t unravel)
- Thread in corresponding color to ribbon
- Flexible but sturdy bag
- Scissors
- Ruler or tape measure
- Straight pins
- Measure the outside of your bag and cut a piece of vinyl to match, leaving a 1/2″ on all sides for the seam.
- Fold ribbon around the edge of the vinyl and pin in place then pin to the bag. Keeping the fabric smooth and pulled taught sew along one side of the vinyl.
- Repeat step two with remaining three sides, tucking the ends of the ribbon under before sewing each additional side. Be sure to keep the bag taught and flat on each side to keep the vinyl window/pocket flat once the bag is finished.
Isn’t that awesome? This is why this project is so perfect for me! It took me less than an hour and I have a ton of material left over for creating subsequent bags for myself, friends, and fellow consultants who also had a tiny heart attack at that sticker price of a Luci bag original.
Here are some of my tips before I send you off into bag making paradise.
- Pick a bag that is flexible enough so you can manipulate it under your sewing machine.
- Purchase a ribbon that will not fray or treat it before sewing to keep it from fraying as you use the bag.
- Ask your local craft store clerk which needles will work best for the gauge vinyl you’ve purchased. You don’t want to deal with the headache of snapping a needle that isn’t strong enough.
- Use a piece of foam core on the inside of your bag or in the pocket to help it hold it’s shape and keep your items nice and neat.
Have you ever attempted a bag like this? How did it go? Any tips and tricks to share?
*post updated 3/22/16
Marcia Gilbert
Monday 2nd of May 2016
Is the large vinyl pocket divided so the business card and samples stay in place instead of falling to the bottom?
Saturday 7th of May 2016
I did not do that with this bag although you certainly could. I attached my business card and samples to a sheet of black card stock using double sided tape to keep them from falling to the bottom or slipping around.
Friday 5th of February 2016
How did you not sew through to the back side of the bag??
Saturday 6th of February 2016
You have to carefully pull back the back side of the bag while keeping the front of the bag flat. That's why a flexible fabric like this boho bag works best for this project :)
Friday 10th of July 2015
Oh my gosh this is SUPER cute! It came out so well. Now I want one!! I wonder if I could do this... I'm not the best sewer (I have to constantly make my husband rethread my sewing machine for me - is rethread even the right word?) But once I'm all hooked up I can press the power button (is power button the right word for that pedal thing?) I think I'm going to give this a try!
Friday 10th of July 2015
Rethread is the right word and power button is the right word, too! I use my sewing machine so infrequently that every single time I pull it out I have to watch the tutorial on the machine about how to thread it lol. This was fantastically easy and I totally think you could do it if you go slowly and are patient!