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Shark Week Cupcakes

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These adorable and simple cupcakes are perfect for your next Shark Week viewing party or day at the beach!

These adorable and simple cupcakes are perfect for your next Shark Week viewing party or day at the beach!

Ok…I know. I’m about 2 weeks behind for Shark Week. But I don’t care! Because we don’t have cable {don’t worry I’m in the process of fixing this before the Olympics start in August} I’m just now catching up on all of the shark week goodness. Plus I just saw The Shallows the other week and I’m all about the sharks right now. Hands up if you love shark movies!

So when my blog besties and I decided to get together and bring you some beach inspired goodness I couldn’t pass up some shark themed cupcakes. Because, why not? These cupcakes are crazy easy and super cute. I fiddled with the idea of providing you a printable shark fin template that you could print out, cut, and tape to the back of a toothpick but then I remembered I’ve also been binge watching Cupcake Wars and Florian’s intense dislike of non-edible decorations was ringin’ loud and clear in my ears so I bypassed the paper deco and went for the edible kind.

These adorable and simple cupcakes are perfect for your next Shark Week viewing party or day at the beach!

If you don’t want to mess with candy melts or royal icing feel free to find a good shark fin online that you can print out for your cupcake topper. I won’t judge. And I promise not to tell Florian too 😉

Just make sure that you enjoy these babies while watching one of your favorite shark movies {Deep Blue Sea anybody?!} or catching up on shark week or just as a fun treat for your next beach picnic!

These adorable and simple cupcakes are perfect for your next Shark Week viewing party or day at the beach!


These adorable and simple cupcakes are perfect for your next Shark Week viewing party or day at the beach!

Shark Week Cupcakes

Yield: 1 dozen cupcakes
Prep Time: 25 minutes
Total Time: 25 minutes


  • 12 vanilla cupcakes
  • 2 sticks unsalted butter
  • 4 cups powdered sugar
  • 1 Tbs heavy cream
  • Grey candy melts
  • Blue gel food color
  • Black gel food color, optional


  1. In the bowl of a stand mixer beat butter on a medium speed until pale and fluffy.
  2. Scrape down the sides of the bowl and add powdered sugar 1 cup at a time until incorporated. Add heavy cream to reach your desired consistency.
  3. Add about 1/4 tsp blue gel food color and mix until completely combined.
  4. In a double boiler or microwave safe bowl melt grey candy melts* and add to a piping or zip top bag.
  5. Pipe a shark fin onto wax paper**, swirling with a toothpick to make them even, and allow to set in the fridge for 15 minutes until solid.
  6. Decorate cupcakes with frosting*** and enjoy!


*You can add some black gel food color to get a darker grey if you want.
**You can place a template under your wax paper to get a more uniform fin but I just eyeballed mine.
***I used a star tip but you can also just use an offset spatula and rough the icing up to look like waves

These adorable and simple cupcakes are perfect for your next Shark Week viewing party or day at the beach!

Don’t forget to stop by and check out these other beach inspired posts from some of my favorite bloggers!

These adorable and simple cupcakes are perfect for your next Shark Week viewing party or day at the beach!

Beach Hacks for Parents, An Aiming High Wife

What To Do With Seashells, No Bohns About It

Strawberry Basil Lemonade, Goodie Godmother

Shark Week Cupcakes, Cook. Craft. Love.